BTEC Co., Ltd has more than 10 years of experience in supply, consulting, technical support about Silicone and Composite insulators. We have supplied Silicon and Composite insulators for a great number of transmission lines, substations up to 500kV with stable-quality products, professional services, as a result We have built a strong reputation with EVN as well as domestic and international contractors.
Silicone and Composite insulators have many prominent characteristics such as self-cleaning of the surface in rainy, wet conditions, withstanding heavy-polluted environment, hoarfrost, acid, UV resistance; withstanding high Power Arcing Current. Therefore, Composite insulator is ideal choice for Vietnam climate and geography and using widely in Vietnam.
Composite insulator supplied by our company fully complies with IEC standards and specific standards in Vietnam.
The product ranges are supplied by BTEC as follows:
Insulator strings for Tension and Suspension sets, Bracket/ Pivoting insulator string set for overhead lines:
+ Voltage: 24kV – 500kV
+ Load: 70kN – 530 kN
+ Creepage distance: 25mm / kV for medium polluted environment, 31mm / kV for heavy polluted environment and greater than 31mm / kV according to specific project requirements.
– Insulators and accessories for high-speed train systems up to 36kV